Vineyard Minecraft Server

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Did you know? One large fry at Five Guys has over 1300 calories!
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
Welcome to Vineyard
Server Ip - vineyard.apexmc.coDiscord -
We are a relaxed community that loves minecraft but with a twist!Added features.
1. Slimefun - this adds a bunch of new items to the game that allow u to automate almost everything in the game. Like farms,spawners,stroagesystems,auto crafting and much more.
2. PyroFishing - this adds over 100 custom fish into the game. along with many more cool features. 
3. Towny - you can create a town to make claim to protect you items. also add a /town spawn and many other features.
4. Mcmmo - this add a whole bunch of skills into the game. so as you level you will receive different buffs depending on the skill. also adds a party feature so you can grind with your friends and level up together.
5. Creates - we have vote crates aswell as a bunch of crates u can obtain with in game currency. not only that we have cosmetic crates so u can customize your tools,weapons,armor also sometimes hats and backpacks.
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