WC Sever Minecraft Server
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Website: https://wcsever.enjin.com/
He lets check If you can join this sever and have some fun.
1. Lobby:
A short mountain lobby (used blocksniper) to make the lobby with a info and some minigames I’m about to show.
So far we have SkyBlock,HotRock,SkyWars,Factions,PvP,Creative, and more.
3: Updates and Events
I cant rlly fix the lobby put can add new things into and alawys check those updates.
Questions u may ask.
1. Can I apply for staff
We have a lot of staff so admin or owners won’t probably accept these questions
2. Can I appeal for a ban
We are working on that but the best way is by visting our website
3. Are there Rules
Yes there are In the lobby.
4.Admin Abuse
If someone abuse or grief let’s us know NOW.
5. A Hacker What do I do.
Report them to our website or let’s the anitsoftware do the job.
Pretty much it SO JOIN OUR SEVER
Vote for WC Sever
1. Lobby:
A short mountain lobby (used blocksniper) to make the lobby with a info and some minigames I’m about to show.
So far we have SkyBlock,HotRock,SkyWars,Factions,PvP,Creative, and more.
3: Updates and Events
I cant rlly fix the lobby put can add new things into and alawys check those updates.
Questions u may ask.
1. Can I apply for staff
We have a lot of staff so admin or owners won’t probably accept these questions
2. Can I appeal for a ban
We are working on that but the best way is by visting our website
3. Are there Rules
Yes there are In the lobby.
4.Admin Abuse
If someone abuse or grief let’s us know NOW.
5. A Hacker What do I do.
Report them to our website or let’s the anitsoftware do the job.
Pretty much it SO JOIN OUR SEVER