Whitelisted Creative Freebuild Minecraft Server
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The server is just as the name suggests. APPLY THROUGH DISCORD TO JOIN THE BUILDERS, not through some confusing forum website (Be sure to include a picture or two of something you've built in the past to help me decide on including you); From there, you can build whatever you want. Voice chat through discord is is strongly encouraged. Being able to chat while building is cool fun amaze-balls.
There aren't really any rules just don't grief things that other people build and don't be lame.
We don't do voting rewards, but if you want to help the server grow, go ahead and vote.
The server can't be on all of the time. To boot it up, if it's offline, you'll have to ping me through our discord server in a special channel, I'll take care of the rest.
We aren't promising crazy bild skilz but the idea is to be around other creative people. And maybe some competitive activity as well...
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/kGDbk63
Vote for Whitelisted Creative Freebuild
There aren't really any rules just don't grief things that other people build and don't be lame.
We don't do voting rewards, but if you want to help the server grow, go ahead and vote.
The server can't be on all of the time. To boot it up, if it's offline, you'll have to ping me through our discord server in a special channel, I'll take care of the rest.
We aren't promising crazy bild skilz but the idea is to be around other creative people. And maybe some competitive activity as well...
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/kGDbk63