HeartMC // Survival SMP Economy Minecraft Server

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Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!

/spawn – Return to spawn.
/home – Teleports a player to his/her bed.
/warp set “Warp Name” – Sets a players warp.
/warp to “Warp Name” – Teleports a player to his/her warp.
/balance – Shows your claim points, used for claiming land.
/back – return to a death point.
/suicide – Kills the player (Useful if you get stuck).

/claim “blocks” – claims blocks in a square around you.
/cinfo – Displays a claims info.
/sellclaim – Sells your currently occupied claim.
/trust “player name” – trust a player to your currently occupied claim.
/untrust “player name” untrust a player to your currently occupied claim.

/tpa – Send a tpa request to players.
/tpaccept – Accept a teleport request.
/tpdeny – Deny a teleport request.

.kit - choose any one of the displayed kits
.kit "kitname" - choose a specific kit.
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