ElodiaSMP Minecraft Server

Players online:
0 / 500
0 / 500
Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4

IP address:

<#09add3>Elodia SMP Network
<#09add3>Elodia SMP Network
Hello There!
Elodia is a small SMP server with a small community that is looking for a bigger playerbase. We have many Perks and multiple worlds. A Farmworld and a world to build your projects in. Ofc Nether and End are active as well. PvP is always active so keep an eye on other Players... but don’t worry you can protect your house/chests in the build world using a golden shovel!
There is no need for any registration or else. Just join the server via the IP down below and start playing. We have a Discord server as well; we would be happy if you stop by! You don't need to download any other programs or plugins.
We are considering to open a mini-game-Server that is linked to the SMP server. Here you can play mini-games and win prices that can be transferred to the SMP-server.
The admin staff is almost 24/7 available. If you run into problems, you can file your issue in our ticket system.
Server information
Server IP: play.ElodiaSMP.com
Server Version: 1.18+
Server Discord: https://dsc.gg/elodiasmp
Server location: Europe WEST
Server languages: English
Server Plugins
- BetterSleeping (Only 30% of players need to be sleeping)
- LeafDecay (Leafs disappear faster after chopping down a tree
- GriefPrevention (Lets you plot land with a golden shovel)
- mcMMO (Groups, Skills, Levels and much more!)
- Skoice (Ingame-Voice-Chat)
- Chest Sorting
- AuctionHouse
- Player Chest Shop
- Skyblock
Vote for ElodiaSMP
Elodia is a small SMP server with a small community that is looking for a bigger playerbase. We have many Perks and multiple worlds. A Farmworld and a world to build your projects in. Ofc Nether and End are active as well. PvP is always active so keep an eye on other Players... but don’t worry you can protect your house/chests in the build world using a golden shovel!
There is no need for any registration or else. Just join the server via the IP down below and start playing. We have a Discord server as well; we would be happy if you stop by! You don't need to download any other programs or plugins.
We are considering to open a mini-game-Server that is linked to the SMP server. Here you can play mini-games and win prices that can be transferred to the SMP-server.
The admin staff is almost 24/7 available. If you run into problems, you can file your issue in our ticket system.
Server information
Server IP: play.ElodiaSMP.com
Server Version: 1.18+
Server Discord: https://dsc.gg/elodiasmp
Server location: Europe WEST
Server languages: English
Server Plugins
- BetterSleeping (Only 30% of players need to be sleeping)
- LeafDecay (Leafs disappear faster after chopping down a tree
- GriefPrevention (Lets you plot land with a golden shovel)
- mcMMO (Groups, Skills, Levels and much more!)
- Skoice (Ingame-Voice-Chat)
- Chest Sorting
- AuctionHouse
- Player Chest Shop
- Skyblock