Bedstemors verden Minecraft Server

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3 / 2,025
BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.21.x
Denmark Denmark flag
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Banner for Bedstemors verden Minecraft server
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
Bedstemors Verden is a minecraft server that strives to engage the playersand make everyone feel at home. Both beginner and experienced minecraft player.
I run a semi-vanilla server without any major custom plugins, as I feelthat Minecraft's original vanilla factor makes the game not too complicated and
helps promote friendships across the server.
There is a survival world where Minecraft "beginner" has theopportunity to get to know the game without being killed by the monster all the
time, but you still have to learn to survive, because the hunger is sneaking
and the lava is still "hot" if you fall in.
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