Lord's Of Crazy: Official Minecraft Server
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[email protected] and we will try to sort it out, what staff can and can't do can be found on the website in the staff rules page.-----------------------------------------------------
Lord's of Crazy: MCPE FactionsIP: lordsofcrazy.ddns.netPORT: 44628----------------------------------------------------Features:-FactionsPro plugin.-Economy plugin.-Crate Keys plugin.-Economy RankUp (Pay in game money to get better ranks)-Advanced Kits plugin (Awesome Kits)-Vote Reward plugin.-Combat Logger plugin. (stops annoying combat loggers)-EssentialsPE pluin. (homes, tpa, misc commands)-A Hourly LootCrate that opens with tonnes of goodies at warp pvp-BasicHUD Plugin (Find your cords, direction and more on your screen)-A total of 27 ranks.-Events with in game prizes such as ranks, money and event items.-And much more!---Current warps: (warning: may be outdated)-pvp: Feeling like slaying some peeps, well here is the place!-shop: either stacking the money or spilling the cash on tonnes of resources.-staff: Get to know the staff on the server -ranks: See how much money each rank is and some other information about them.----------------------------------------------------Staff Team:Owner: CrazyyAnd there is many other staff, however knowing it always changes it will not be included.Our staff are here to try and stop your experience being ruined by rule breakers, if you ever experience staff abuse then report it to the Owner via Vote for Lord's Of Crazy: Official