JEDIx Survival Hub Minecraft Server
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The world is survival, spawn being protected by adventure mode & The world is infinite...
Our server is privately hosted and has not quite open to the public yet. This server is running custom commands and custom anti cheat that is constantly updating along with development. The Server is backed up constantly saving players items / builds. We maintain a safe and gamer friendly spawn. (no spawn killing) Pvp will be disabled @ spawn in future update to save the confusion. We host for Mature players.
*We utilize a Adventure mode spawn protection (xx amount of blocks out changes players to Survival) with anti /gm.
*Custom faction style land claims. Claims have /gm adventure protection, pvp protection and Only members of that faction will be allowed survival at that location.
*Ranks & Commands, all players can use /home /spawn /pvp with an item.
[admin], [YouTube] and [Donor] rank have access to more cmds using console
/tp /give /jail & /heal
*Economy with iron as main currency and a shop to spend it at with blocks, rare items, & food. (More to come)
*Griefing & Raiding allowed ONLY away from spawn & not on claims. We have Rules and a Jail to help enforce them please see our rules.