SharpnessVI Minecraft Server
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This is a Minecraft Faction Server for Minecraft Pe (1.11.4)
Rules: SharpnessVI is a server that allows duplication glitches. But this server still has rules
1. No Hacking, there is no reason for you to hack cheat or anything. (duplication is allowed nothing else.)
2. No swearing Talking about anything political, religious and other topics like that (no abbreviations of swear words are allowed.)
3. No advertising other servers or sites if somebody asks tell them in a private message, not in global chat.
4. English is the only language in global chat no other languages
5. If a new player joins welcome them, make them feel like they are welcome to this server
6. No spamming, spam is not tolerated in this server spammers will be banned.
Q: What do I do if I find hacked items?
A: Burn it if you are caught using or duping or even having them in storage you are banned permanently!
Q: What do I do if someone uses a hacked item to kill me or others?
A: When either ProTwagger14 Or WitlessSpy89175 are on report it to them, make sure to state name(s)
Q: What do I do if someone is spamming me or someone else in chat or a private message?
A: When either ProTwagger14 Or WitlessSpy89175 are on report it to them, make sure to state name(s) and what has been said or happened.
Q: What do I do if someone keeps kill farming me?
A: Try to tell them to stop if they do not report it to the Owner or co-owner.
Q: Is there a way to get staff?
A: Currently No, there is no way to get it.
(More questions? Just ask When either WitlessSpy89175 or ProTwagger14 are online.)
Plugin List
FactionsProBeta: Factions Plugin for making factions and claiming land for your faction.
HealthTag: Health is displayed below the player's name tag. (currently does not work)
OreGen: When using a cobblestone generator there is a chance of an ore spawning instead of cobblestone.
StairSeat: Any Stair placed can now become a seat.
(More Plugins Coming Soon)
Owner: WitlessSpy89175 Co-Owner ProTwagger14
Vote for SharpnessVI
Rules: SharpnessVI is a server that allows duplication glitches. But this server still has rules
1. No Hacking, there is no reason for you to hack cheat or anything. (duplication is allowed nothing else.)
2. No swearing Talking about anything political, religious and other topics like that (no abbreviations of swear words are allowed.)
3. No advertising other servers or sites if somebody asks tell them in a private message, not in global chat.
4. English is the only language in global chat no other languages
5. If a new player joins welcome them, make them feel like they are welcome to this server
6. No spamming, spam is not tolerated in this server spammers will be banned.
Q: What do I do if I find hacked items?
A: Burn it if you are caught using or duping or even having them in storage you are banned permanently!
Q: What do I do if someone uses a hacked item to kill me or others?
A: When either ProTwagger14 Or WitlessSpy89175 are on report it to them, make sure to state name(s)
Q: What do I do if someone is spamming me or someone else in chat or a private message?
A: When either ProTwagger14 Or WitlessSpy89175 are on report it to them, make sure to state name(s) and what has been said or happened.
Q: What do I do if someone keeps kill farming me?
A: Try to tell them to stop if they do not report it to the Owner or co-owner.
Q: Is there a way to get staff?
A: Currently No, there is no way to get it.
(More questions? Just ask When either WitlessSpy89175 or ProTwagger14 are online.)
Plugin List
FactionsProBeta: Factions Plugin for making factions and claiming land for your faction.
HealthTag: Health is displayed below the player's name tag. (currently does not work)
OreGen: When using a cobblestone generator there is a chance of an ore spawning instead of cobblestone.
StairSeat: Any Stair placed can now become a seat.
(More Plugins Coming Soon)
Owner: WitlessSpy89175 Co-Owner ProTwagger14