Wanderlust MC Minecraft Server
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About Wanderlust MC
Wanderlust MC is a place for creators, builders, red stone devs, and those who want to construct their own world from scratch. We are launching on 11/9/2020 with a completely blank slate. This is a vanilla SMP server that will respect each others builds, ideas, and be moderated efficiently.
1. No Griefing, Stealing, or Harassing - basically don't be a jerk!
2. Do not leave trees floating - If you start chopping down a tree, chop it all so that leaves despawn (Keep our world pretty)
3. Don't leave 1 x 1 pillars (same reason as above)
4. Pick a nice spot for your base, don't build within sight of someone else's structures without permission - there's plenty of room, be considerate
5. No Duping, this is a bannable offense without warning
6. Feel free to visit other's bases unless otherwise marked, but do not touch or take anything. If something happens, and the base is damaged while you are there, do your best to repair any holes, and notify the owner on discord. We understand things happen, just tell someone.
Build Area Rules:
1. The area from 4000,4000 to -4000,-4000 is designated as the base building area. Nothing outside of this area is guaranteed to be safe from resetting
2. Inside the build area, limit mass resource gathering to within 100 blocks of your base, this incudes strip mining (if you want to strip mine for thousands of blocks, go outside the build area and go nuts!)
3. If you want to claim a location or structure for a future build, place a sign. The signs must be dated and are valid for 1 month
4. Do not build anything other than shops within 500 blocks of the shopping district or 250 blocks of the shopping district nether portal
5. The nether build area is 2000,2000 to -2000, -2000, and there is no designated building area in the end
6. Everything outside of designated build areas will be pruned periodically to help minimize server lag
Lag Guidelines:
1. Be sure to include on/off switches where possible
2. Consider sharing farms
3. Consider how many resources you actually need - if you don't need tons, consider building a smaller farm
4. If a server admin informs you that a farm is causing substantial lag, you will need to either redesign it, or only run it if you are the only one online
How to Join:
Message us on Discord!
Vote for Wanderlust MC
Wanderlust MC is a place for creators, builders, red stone devs, and those who want to construct their own world from scratch. We are launching on 11/9/2020 with a completely blank slate. This is a vanilla SMP server that will respect each others builds, ideas, and be moderated efficiently.
1. No Griefing, Stealing, or Harassing - basically don't be a jerk!
2. Do not leave trees floating - If you start chopping down a tree, chop it all so that leaves despawn (Keep our world pretty)
3. Don't leave 1 x 1 pillars (same reason as above)
4. Pick a nice spot for your base, don't build within sight of someone else's structures without permission - there's plenty of room, be considerate
5. No Duping, this is a bannable offense without warning
6. Feel free to visit other's bases unless otherwise marked, but do not touch or take anything. If something happens, and the base is damaged while you are there, do your best to repair any holes, and notify the owner on discord. We understand things happen, just tell someone.
Build Area Rules:
1. The area from 4000,4000 to -4000,-4000 is designated as the base building area. Nothing outside of this area is guaranteed to be safe from resetting
2. Inside the build area, limit mass resource gathering to within 100 blocks of your base, this incudes strip mining (if you want to strip mine for thousands of blocks, go outside the build area and go nuts!)
3. If you want to claim a location or structure for a future build, place a sign. The signs must be dated and are valid for 1 month
4. Do not build anything other than shops within 500 blocks of the shopping district or 250 blocks of the shopping district nether portal
5. The nether build area is 2000,2000 to -2000, -2000, and there is no designated building area in the end
6. Everything outside of designated build areas will be pruned periodically to help minimize server lag
Lag Guidelines:
1. Be sure to include on/off switches where possible
2. Consider sharing farms
3. Consider how many resources you actually need - if you don't need tons, consider building a smaller farm
4. If a server admin informs you that a farm is causing substantial lag, you will need to either redesign it, or only run it if you are the only one online
How to Join:
Message us on Discord!