JuNix SurvivalWorld Minecraft Server

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Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
Join The Party at our new JuNix SurvivalWorld Server!

Join The Fun!

our rules are simple!
use the command /rules 
A players is not following the rules use the command
/report [Playername][Reason] we will handle it!
You can use mods like texture pack or shaders mods that don't have any bypass restrictions on our server!

- Multi Worlds Server
- Claim Your Factions
- Each Player gets their own Skyblock and are able to invite players to play!
- Make Money and XP By killing mobs!
- Get Rewarded For Playing!
- Go in the creative world by clicking the sign and start building!
- Join our Discord Community Stay Updated! https://discord.gg/qWt3258jdE

- Buy a Kit With Economic API!
[TIP]Go to desired survival world and choose you kit, Must earn some money!
And You wont be able to get a kit for 24 hours and 30 minute!

There's Going to be so much more Coming to the server!
Go to suggestion tab on discord let me know what can I implement in the server
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