Adventure Builders Minecraft Server
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The server is great starting out and will evolve to be better soon. Factions aren't working completely and that will be fixed. We
have cheap beginner ranks and deals or offers are often. We hope everyone has a good time and we will be giving out free
ranks to Youtubers who try and help get people to sponsor the server. There are some rules that are commonly broken- don't
add and set your own and others groups. Don't teleport to the owners without permission no asking for op, gamemode 1 or
staff. And last but not least don't advertise please. That's all for now and I hope the server will become a big success. Thank you all very much and please try it out today! Don't forget to vote!
Vote for Adventure Builders
have cheap beginner ranks and deals or offers are often. We hope everyone has a good time and we will be giving out free
ranks to Youtubers who try and help get people to sponsor the server. There are some rules that are commonly broken- don't
add and set your own and others groups. Don't teleport to the owners without permission no asking for op, gamemode 1 or
staff. And last but not least don't advertise please. That's all for now and I hope the server will become a big success. Thank you all very much and please try it out today! Don't forget to vote!