TheElite Minecraft Server
Players online:
0 / 0
0 / 0
v0.15.4 alpha
v0.15.4 alpha
United States
United States

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Hello everyone thatnk you for chosing to join my server. We dont need anymore staff but we always need donations so if u donate u can be a staff!
Vip 0.99 10 diamonds
helper 0.99 c mode
builder 3$ c mode and extra permiisions
mod 4$ c mode and op
admin 7$ gets c mode and op and extra permissions
head admin 10$ cmode and op and gets most permissions
Co Owner 15$ gets op c mode and all permissions and makes anything with owners pemission
HeadCoOwner does anything they wants to accoring to the staff rules
Vote for TheElite
Vip 0.99 10 diamonds
helper 0.99 c mode
builder 3$ c mode and extra permiisions
mod 4$ c mode and op
admin 7$ gets c mode and op and extra permissions
head admin 10$ cmode and op and gets most permissions
Co Owner 15$ gets op c mode and all permissions and makes anything with owners pemission
HeadCoOwner does anything they wants to accoring to the staff rules