Galactic PVP Minecraft Server

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A Minecraft Server
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
[+] Join NOW for one of the best Minecraft factions/pvp experiances
[+] Factions: This plugin allows you to create your own faction. The more followers a faction has the more land the faction can claim. The risk for griefing is low in claimed land since only the faction followers can build there. Factions can forge alliances and declare themselves enemies with others. Land may be taken from other factions through war. 

[+] PvP: PvP on our server is extremely balanced. We have nerfed Strength II back to the old Strength! God Apples are rare and we are focused around potion PvP. Protection IV armor is not needed to succeed on this server. Many players save there good sets and PvP in Protection II or III. 
[+] Raiding: Raiding is a huge part of the server. Raiding a base is one of the best things to do on a faction server. Base glitching is NOT allowed at all. 

[+] McMMo: The goal of mcMMO is to take core Minecraft game mechanics and expand them into add an extensive and quality RPG experience. Everything in mcMMO has been carefully thought out and is constantly being improved upon. Currently, mcMMO adds fourteen unique skills to train and level in. Each of these skills is highly customizable through our configuration files, allowing server admins to tweak mcMMO to best suit the needs of his or her server. Know that the mcMMO team is dedicated to providing an ever-evolving experience, and that we carefully read all feedback and bug reports in order to evaluate and balance the mechanics of mcMMO in every update. 
[+] Join NOW for one of the best Minecraft factions/pvp experiences! [+] Galactic PVP #1 Faction and PvP Server 
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