PokeSplash Minecraft Server

PokeSplash icon Offline
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0 / 500
Velocity 1.7.2-1.20.1
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Banner for PokeSplash Minecraft server
︵‿୨ ✧・゚:*✧・゚:* ⟬ PokéSplash ⟭ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ୧‿︵ ༺ Weekly Events ✳ Player Gyms ✳ No P2W ༻
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!

Website: https://www.pokesplash.org/
Discord: https://discord.gg/YN84X23

PokéSplash is a growing Pixelmon server with a very welcoming community, lots of beautiful server towns, challenging NPC and player gyms and tons of extra features to provide you with the best Pixelmon experience!

We don’t believe in pay-to-win. That’s why you’ll never run into a pay wall on PokéSplash. All of our services and commands are free to all players.

With our active staff members and regular events, we strive to develop an inclusive and engaging experience for all to enjoy!

Come join us and be a part of our growing community!

Custom server builds
Economy plugin
No Pay-to-Win
Pokebuilder with in-game currency
Vote Shop rewards
NPC gyms and player gyms
Fun regular Minecraft and Pixelmon events
Vibrant community of both casual and competitive players
Free access to many useful and fun commands
(/checkspawns, /checkstats, /ivs, /evs, /PC, /pokeheal, /enderchest, /back, /nick, /hat)
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