Dragon Craft Super Minecraft Server

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Dragon Craft Super Hardest DBC Server
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
Our Dragon Block C server is designed to resemble a normal Minecraft survival experience as much as possible, but with Dragon Block mod. This means there is a restriction on commands like /tpa and warps, with a limited amount of /homes. At first glance, this doesnt sound very good, but when you play in out server and indulge yourself into our community, train and make new friends and fight for survival, you will realize that our server provides an experience which you cant get anywhere else.

Some Features

- It has a fun advancement system where when you reach certain Battle Power BP, you can get a new rank Evil ranks and Good Ranks
- Armourers Workshop mod
- A Custom bounty system
- Player owned shops
- Factions
- Voting
- No P2W

Mega Download: https://mega.nz/F!Lp12AD!BMQWbw7LBgfb9wSPke6XYQ

Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/mDbG9M4
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