Raged Gaming Minecraft Server

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Paper 1.14.4
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Banner for Raged Gaming Minecraft server
- [RAGED GAMING] - [Custom Plugins] - [Survival] - [1.14.4]
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We are a small group of friends that met through gaming and we all had a blast playing Minecraft when we were younger, we have an arma3 server with a steady player base and one day we decided to branch of into a Minecraft servers so we can make more memories on this game for us and for others.

We'be been developing this server for the past couple of months now. We are all adults so don't be put off thinking this is just another kids Minecraft server as it is not, we have out own java developer that has been writing custom plugins for us along with some other stuff as well as an active staff team which are mature and trusted.

We hope you give our server a try and for additional information visit: https://ragedgamingmc.enjin.com/home
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