Server26 Minecraft Server

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10 / 11
Paper 1.20.4
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Banner for Server26 Minecraft server
Hidden Advancements?dummy text(18+)
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
We are an old (est. 2015) longstanding 18+ survival server.
We try to leave the "meta" of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as reasonable possible (for a public server). That means as many features from plugins you know from other servers are absent by design and won't be added.

Feature Overview
  •     NO Warps, NO /tpa, NO homes or /back
  •     NO special pets, NO McMMO or alike, NO donation perks or any such frills
  •     The map will never reset, 1 world, 3 dimensions
  •     Land protection via GriefPrevention
  •     Player item trading with sign shops
  •     Better Sleeping
  •     Everything is made in survival, including the spawn area etc.
  •     Lots of public farms.
Other Info: doFiretick and most mobGriefing is disabled; Limited Pillagers; you can craft enchanted golden apples

Rule(s) TL;DR: Be reasonable and don't be a dick. (Full Rules at Server Rules)
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