VoiceChatMinecraft Minecraft Server

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12 / 50
Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
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Banner for VoiceChatMinecraft Minecraft server
VCMC ┃ VoiceChatMinecraft [1.21.4] A public SMP with proximity voice chat!
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
Voice Chat Minecraft is a simple semi-vanilla survival server with tweaks to help enhance vanilla gameplay! Voice Chat Minecraft is about interacting with others and socializing in ways that wouldn't be possible on a regular survival server. Anyone is welcome to join, as there is no whitelist.

What we offer:
- Simple and beginner friendly server
- Support for Simple Voice Chat mod
- Custom advancements (Blaze and Caves Advancement Pack)
- Straightforward economy - Small and chill community of players and staff.
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