KingdomsMineMC Minecraft Server

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------[-- TerraMiningMC --]------dummy text Kingdoms - Battle for Land, Might and Glory
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
Kingdoms is a plugin similar to the popular Factions plugin, but with many changes to the gameplay. It allows a player to create his own Kingdom, protect land with the kingdom, and invade other's land for resources (and for fun). Players can also trade in items for resourcepoints, to buy upgrades, turrets and boosts from their Kingdom's nexus block. What you want traded, and the amount traded is fully configurable and very flexible!

Includes a (painstakingly made) idiot-proof guide for new players to learn how to use Kingdoms. Simply direct new players to do /k info, and all the info will be presented nicely to them. If you think it's not idiot-proof enough, feel free to suggest more ideas, or simply mention it, and I'll try my best to make it more idiot-proof

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