JustySurvival Minecraft Server

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2 / 50
Paper 1.21.4
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Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
We are a sponsored Survival server with a Twitch Affiliate - Justy135:

Land Claiming - Claim land & live with friends
MCMMO - Level up Sword, Axe, Mining, fishing Skills! etc.
Player Trading - Trade Securely with other players.
Economy - Grind money by killing mobs or Questing.
Chest Locking - Use a sign to lock chests and keep people out! 
Gates - Build a castle with a HUGE gate, open and close it to let people in/out!
Player Shops - Rule the economy with your very own shop.
Stream Events - Custom Events streamed by Justy135.
PVP - Kill someone and steal their head to hang in your base!
Leader boards - Compete with others to be the richest!

IP: play.JustySurvival.com (Server is now LIVE!)
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