11th Dream Minecraft Server

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A Minecraft Server
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
11th Dream Minecraft Server
IP: Join.11thdream.net
Website: www.11thdream.net
24/7 Dedicated Server
- Survival
- Protection
- Economy
- Mature Staff

About Us
11th Dream is a 24/7 Survival Minecraft Community dating back to 2013 (with a break due to college). Now that that's over and now the Covid epidemic, we're proud to say 11th Dream Minecraft is back up and running! Server is running with the same style of plugins as before including PVP and Protections with a little bit of improvements. 11th Dream strives to maintain a healthy and balanced community with respect and fair gameplay so that everyone has a fun time in Minecraft!
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