BeeTown F2P SMP Minecraft Server

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A Minecraft Server
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
We are a classic Survival-Multiplayer-Server with a lot features!
Our Server has over 70 Plugins. We also do not have many Bugs at all. Staff is fixing them in no time.

You can have fun doing our Dungeons (with a Custom Dungeon Menu. It tracks your Kill-Stats, Shows Drops, Mob Stats and more!), Level up your Jobs and earn Money, increase your McMMO Skill Levels, trade with other players by using the Auction House, Marketplace + Quickshops or /trade. We also do have the Pyrofishing System. It makes fishing better by a lot! Experience a completly new Experience. Do not forget to Claim Land with our Lands Claim Plugin!

I keep all Players updated about changes on our Discord-Server. Expect Announcements, Balance-Changes, Events and much more!

We do also have a slow-economy (everything is balanced and not too fast - so you have to work for stuff) and we are 100% free to play. You can support the Server by donating or buying a Rank which contains only Cosmetic advantages. (Companions, PlayerParticles and more!)

Here is a list of some Features:

- Pyrofishing (better Fishing System)
- Auction House
- Trading System
- Land Claim
- Free to Play
- Crates
- Economy System
- Jobs
- Quests
- Dungeons (/dungeons)
- Custom Enchantments
- Backpacks
- Autoshulkers
- NPCs + Shops
- Quickshop
- Marketplace with plot renting
... and much more!

You are welcome if you look for a chill SMP where you have to work for your stuff and stay long-term. Enjoy your stay!
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