MirageMc Minecraft Server

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BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.21.x
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Banner for MirageMc Minecraft server
Mirage Network [1.21+] In Development | Tribes v0.1
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
Immerse yourself in the roots of what made Minecraft great.
Hang out with other players and experience a Minecraft server like no other!
MirageMC merges a Survival experience with PvP, an Economy system ran by the player, an exciting PvP Arena (W.I.P), and an Auction system!
Players can also join a Creative World for a relaxing building experience, join giveaways and fun events and win exciting prices like, in-game cash, custom items and ranks!
Join us today at: play.miragemc.net / www.miragemc.org !
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