FossaCraft : Remastered Minecraft Server

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Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
FossaCraft : Remastered (season 3, started September 2021)
A whitelisted hermitcraft-style vanilla survival server looking for more loyal active players to welcome to our friendly community. Our shopping district is looking a little sparce at the moment, so come on in!

We are nn independent hermitcraft-style whitelisted java 1.17+ survival server with a shopping district begining to be established. Server started September 2021 and we are still fresh and new. Alongside, always adding and improving our server to the demand of our amazing community.
Currently looking for a more active and loyal player base to join our friendship in the FossaCraft community. 
Note, streaming/recording like the hermits is encouraged. Although, not mandatory :D

Find out more on our website. 
Apply via our discord:
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