Operation: Craft Minecraft Server

Players online:
0 / 69
0 / 69
Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
United States
United States

IP address:

Website: http://igniscraft.net
» 1.21.1+ Java Only! New! Over 20 Custom Crops to Grow!
» 1.21.1+ Java Only! New! Over 20 Custom Crops to Grow!
IgnisCraft [SMP] {WorldGuard}{Economy}{Titles}{Events}
# IgnisCraft - Economy, PvP, Leaderboards, Achievements, & More!
## mc.igniscraft.net
[Our Website](http://igniscraft.net)
[Join Our Discord!](https://discord.gg/JMd43FC )
**Who We Are**
IgnisCraft was started in July of 2014 as a small group of friends messing around with some plugins. We ended up making a pretty fun server and gaining a lot of players and hype. After two years of fun, the server died down due to the lack of advertising and players in the community getting busy with real life. After a year of downtime, we're starting up again with a completely new server and a lot of new features! We're very excited to expand our family at IgnisCraft. **Economy****Multi-Gamemode Server****Vote for Perks****Achievement Titles****McMMO****open chat****Minimal Vanilla Mech Changes**
Vote for Operation: Craft
# IgnisCraft - Economy, PvP, Leaderboards, Achievements, & More!
## mc.igniscraft.net
[Our Website](http://igniscraft.net)
[Join Our Discord!](https://discord.gg/JMd43FC )
**Who We Are**
IgnisCraft was started in July of 2014 as a small group of friends messing around with some plugins. We ended up making a pretty fun server and gaining a lot of players and hype. After two years of fun, the server died down due to the lack of advertising and players in the community getting busy with real life. After a year of downtime, we're starting up again with a completely new server and a lot of new features! We're very excited to expand our family at IgnisCraft. **Economy****Multi-Gamemode Server****Vote for Perks****Achievement Titles****McMMO****open chat****Minimal Vanilla Mech Changes**