ManacraftMC Project Ozone 2 Minecraft Server

ManacraftMC Project Ozone 2 icon Offline
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kcauldron,cauldron,craftbukkit,mcpc,fml,forge 1.7.10
United States United States flag
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Banner for ManacraftMC Project Ozone 2 Minecraft server
Welcome to ManaCraftMC!
Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
We are a server started with the goal of having everyone experience the joy and pleasures that stem from playing modded minecraft. We endorse both magic and tech and want everyone to learn the wonderful knowledge of both. We focus on a few core things:

Letting people have as much free reign as possible. We try to not limit anything but that that absolutely needs to be.
Having people experience modded minecraft in a new way, even if they are a veteran player. 
Endorsing progression through all mods. We make sure not to limit progression through any mod and try to facilitate all progression.

We have a dedicated developer that will be working to make it so we can unban a lot of the items on our ban list. We will also be adding mini-games and other game modes in the future.

Note: This server is Titan mode.

Project Ozone 21.7.10 Server.
PVE in claimed areas, PVP otherwise
Economy, Donation Shop, and Server Shop
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