SurvEX Minecraft Server

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Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
Our server focuses on taking the survival experience to the next level while keeping it simple for the player. Creative and PvP are also available, but they're not our main focus.

SurvEX has different plugins to allow for a great experience, such as Mythicmobs, Custom items, Custom leveling with jobs, SilkSpawners, Custom events, PvP and PvE tournaments, and many more.

There are also areas for players to build their shops and sell items to other players, as well as auctions, Chat games and more to keep you entertained.

The server was built with optimization kept as a key element. We've worked really hard to make this a lag-free experience for everyone.

Of course, our first priority has and will always be to keep everything secure.
Securing all our players inventories as well as buildings and punishing griefers, trollers and hackers is the most important part for us. With automatic backups of the world, plugins, player inventories, etc. you can always be sure nothing will make you lose progress.

Our objective is to create a place for players to feel at home and enjoy the time spent with us. Give us a try! If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask us on Discord ( or by sending us an e-mail at [email protected]. We will always do our best to help you.
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