BlossomCraft Minecraft Server

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Attention players: An issue with server voting was reported. Working to fix it as soon as possible!
__**BlossomCraft 1.15.2 Minecraft Server**__

• 1.15.2 based survival
• New world with no grief
• Mobarena /ma (waves of mobs)
• Music (jukebox themed /music)
• Mcmmo (ability to level up skills)
• Extra Head Drops (sellable with /sellhead)
• In game shop (including repair/enchant signs)
• 1.8 combat mechanics  (1.9 sucks)
• One person sleep (only one person needs to sleep to make it day)
• Random teleport (overworld only /rtp)
• Plots with Creative and World-edit  (donators get access to more plots)
• 1,000,000 block world border
• Rewards for bug reports
• Rewards for recommending a player to the server
• Marriage plugin (if you join as a couple or meet someone in game)
• Money drops for fishing, mining and hunting
• Land claims (/kit gshovel)
• Player trading (with /trade)
• Advanced mob transporting
• Free rank for voting (lasts 24h). This gives you /fly (in the Overworld and Nether), 1 vote Voucher per vote (claim $15,000 per voucher), 5 emeralds, 10 diamonds, 10 experience bottles as well as /bye, /hello and /highfive, /muder and /eliminate emotes (with /em)

We are recently released Survival and Plots server with relatively new and ungriefed worlds, our goal is to provide a new and unique experience for everyone to enjoy. This is a server that is designed to be shaped by the players which means that we want you as the player to shape the future of the server. If you have any suggestions that you would like to see us implement, let us know in the suggestions-and -feedback channel in our discord server!

**Server Discord:**
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